Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Still Fighting Those Holiday Pounds

What is it about the holidays that makes my body feel the need to resemble Santa Claus? 

This year, I was fortunate enough to spend Christmas with my parents and my sisters in their home in southwest Virginia for the first time since they moved down there five years ago. There's nothing like mom's cooking. Then, my mom and sisters came back to NJ for a visit for a few days. Let's just say those days involved lots of eating and visiting relatives. Weeks later, I'm still fighting to lose the nine pounds I gained over the holidays. 

I'm on a six-day workout streak: personal training, rock climbing, yogilates, and Zumba. I've been keeping busy! Tuesday was my weekly weigh-in, and I am very pleased to inform you all that I lost SEVEN (7) pounds this week!!! How did that happen?! Was it all the water I drank? Is working out having that much of an impact? I'm still two pounds heavier than before Christmas. I can't wait until I'm back to losing "new" weight, not weight I've already lost before. 

Did you gain weight over the holidays? Is it still hanging around? What are you doing to slim back down?

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